Synagogue · Place of worship
Traditional in Liturgy, Progressive in Life
1712 Hopkins Crossroad, Minnetonka, MN 55305
(763) 545-8800
Service: Yom Shabbat 10:00 a.m.
Religious School--Registration is still open. Begins Sunday, September 8, 2024, 9:30 a.m.
Torah Study--Sunday, September 15, 10 a.m.
High Holidays Schedule--See your email for dates and times.
Sharei Chesed is pleased to offer religious school classes to the children of our congregation
Classes meet 1 day a week:​
Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Schedule of classes for 2023-2024 is posted.
Tuition: $825 per child per year.
Scholarships are available. Click on this link for a letter from the Rabbi.
Here's the link to enroll:
Contact the synagogue for more information.
We are pleased to announce a new Torah study group. This message will also be posted on the SC Facebook page and on our website.
Time: 10 am until we run out of things to talk about.
Location: Somewhere on the lower level --- may vary from week to week. Masking will be optional.
Materials: Copies of the parashah and Rabbi Danny’s d’var from Saturday’s service will be provided. Feel free to bring any other printed materials.
Format: Each week a different group member will open the meeting with a few words to jump start the discussion: an ice breaker. This could be an observation, an hypothesis, or maybe just a question about the parashah. The discussion will focus on the moral lessons to be found in the Torah and how each of us, as Jews of the 21st century, can apply those lessons to our daily lives.
Treats: Of course! Breadsmith bakery will be provided. Please bring your own beverages.
Hope you can join us.
Robin Doroshow
Elana Warren
Sheryl Sue Warren
Miriam Zien-Edgar
Ross Fishman
Rabbi Daniel Ettedgui